About the Artist: Christie Goldstein is an authentic being from Houston. After a career as a nurse, he turned towards photography as a way to express myself creatively. Growing up, he thought he would be a librarian by day and author by night. Christie compromised and found his desire for storytelling was much more suited to being captured by my camera. Christie Goldstein is an honored to have art pieces currently showing in 3 galleries in the US, 1 in Scotland, and 9 to show in Barcelona in December. He has had over 15 national and international publications this year and have had several pieces recognized in juried competitions worldwide. It still surprises him when others connect strongly to his images.
Artist Statement: "Words have power. They have the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, and to hurt, but the real power in words is their meaning and how they are interpreted. I often fail in my ability to convey in words what I am able to convey with my camera; my voice, my words are found in my images. My hope is that the viewer finds their own connection to my images." ~ Christie Goldstein Available for Purchase: T A Reproduction of the Original 8" x 10" Photograph
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