Originally posted March 19, 2022

Image Information: Nicole Martinelli’s Under Haunting Skies (Awaiting the Sun’s Arrival)
Bringing art into your home transforms your relationship to the place you live and the way you engage with art. It gives you a way to define yourself, and it also provides meaningful objects that can become a part of your legacy.
There are many reasons to purchase art for sale, and it’s worth taking the time to appreciate all the things art can give us.
Is it worth buying art?

Image Information: Ludmila Gorbunova’s Summer Vibe
Many people are afraid to purchase art — even some lifelong art lovers. They are worried that it might cost too much, or that they might not like a piece once they take it home. Of course, it is always good to shop with some caution, but the benefits of art in the home are immeasurable.
The reason many people are timid about entering the art market is that they are misled into believing only rich people can afford it. That’s simply not true.
In fact, it has never been easier to find affordable original art for sale online. The ecommerce side of art has radically reduced the cost for buyers, and it gives you access to a veritable ocean of work.
We live in a golden age of art buying. It’s time to start acting like it!
What is the purpose of buying art?

Image Information: Jesse Hashagen’s Trespassers
Unlike many of the ways we spend money to make our homes more pleasing to the eye, art has a wide range of benefits for the buyer. When you buy art, you:
● Decorate your space
● Support artists
● Own a potential investment
● Provide a lasting heirloom
Beauty is first and foremost in most art buyers’ minds. The introduction of superb color and form into a room can elevate it like nothing else.
Plus, you know your purchase has supported an artist. This helps stimulate the creation of more work and means that creatives can make a living while pursuing their passion. That’s a boon to the community as a whole.
And if you take care of your artwork, it can maintain and even increase in value over time. While it isn’t guaranteed (what investment is?), it is a possibility.
But whether it appreciates in value or not, artwork does have a tendency to evoke memories. You might remember the painting that hung over your dining room table in the house you grew up in, or that photograph in the living room. These become precious objects for a family, something you can hand down to future generations.
Buying art changes your relationship to your living space, and it has never been easier. We have so much wonderful work available at our fingertips. It’s time to take some home with us.
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