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Madeline Fowler


Madeline Fowler

Madeline Fowler was raised, for the majority of her life in a suburb of Kansas City, KS. Madeline discovered her love of color and art in high school where she took her first painting and drawing class as a junior. She has spent the last four years working to explore and refine her artistic style and ability.

“I primarily focus on painting with oils. I really enjoy varying the surfaces on which I paint. I mainly do representational paintings in which I strive to incorporate a variety of color and value. My artwork is composed of a combination of many different kinds of brush strokes. Thick versus thin, soft versus sharp.... etc. These all work together to elicit emotion from the paintings.” ~ Madeline Fowler

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A Day in Cotswold...
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Girl on a Rock
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An Afternoon
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River in Colorado.....
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Colorado Lake
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