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Jesse Hashagen


Jesse Hashagen

Jesse Hashagen wants to paint the scenes we pass every day but pass by or can't appreciate in the moment. He wants to take a snapshot of life and make it relatable to the audience. Painting something, they might recognize on face value but give them a different perspective on. Jesse wants to make his art real to life, but fun and approachable.

“The smell of a home cooked meal or walking into a new place can bring back memories, initiating a feeling or emotion. This is a connection we have to our past and our present. It can be comforting, unnerving or even induce anxiety, but it always leaves us feeling a “certain” way. This is the connection people have to life, and to art. Seeing something that makes the viewer feel or remember something from their lives is how we connect art to people.”

“My work is a focus on this connection; taking the things we may see every day and walk right by or miss the beauty of. It’s a snapshot in life that hopefully connects an image with the viewer. To make them feel as though they are there, remembering the good and bad of that moment. It’s an emotional view into the everyday world that I want to connect with my viewers.”

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Always Greener
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Lazy Sunday
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Country Elevator
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Lunch Date
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Grazing Time
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The Lookouts
CAG Online Custom Poker Cards - Lazy Sunday by Jesse Hashagen
CAG Online Custom Poker Cards - Lazy Sunday by Jesse Hashagen


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