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About the Artist:
Ann Calandro is an artist from Flemington; New Jersey.  She has Since 2006; participated in approximately 4 dozen juried online and bricks-and-mortar exhibits (mixed media collage and photography); had artwork published in several journals and calendars; sold about 2 dozen pieces of artwork to individual buyers; won approximately 2 dozen awards ranging from honorable mention to best in show; and wrote and illustrated a children's picture book in 2015; which was published by a small independent press.

Family Room

  • "Is man still a part of nature or no longer? She heals our souls and does not ask for anything in return. How many beautiful, unique creatures have been created by nature! Just open your eyes and heart wider, and you can endlessly enjoy her miracles, as they are all around." ~ Viktoria Zhulego Viktoria Zhulego was born and lives currently in the Republic of Belarus. She studies at the Belarusian State Technological University and worked in big international companies for many years until she realized what is really important in her life. Viktoria prefers minimalism in life, and this influence is present in her drawings. Each of them includes only two or three primary colors, and their shades come from the palette of natural colors. Usually one drawing is focused on one object from the natural world.

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