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Mighty by Chaitali Maji showcases that despite of its great size, an elephant is known as a gentle creature. The legend of elephants is their intelligence and an excellent memory. An Elephant symbolizes sensitivity, stability, strength, wisdom, intelligence, loyalty, reliability, and determination. Humans should adopt these qualities. This acrylic painting will look phenomenal in any room of your home or office.


  • Chaitali was born in India near Shantiniketan. Chitali?s childhood in Bengal was filled with art and culture and the aroma of passion for everything creative. From nursery school, Chaitali was placed in art classes. Chaitali practiced her art throughout school life. Chaitali went on to receive a master?s degree in Literature, married and had a child. Chaitali stopped drawing and painting for several years due to raising her child. However, she is back to her art, firmly gripping her pencils & brushes. Chaitali now realizes art is her worship. Chaitali says every day when she sits to draw, her heart starts dancing with music of joy. Her art takes her back in time to her childhood, the way used to enjoy life. Chaitali says Art is her life, her passion and now she does not let any day pass without creating something new with her brush. Chaitali cannot thank God enough for making her understand the purpose of her life. She wants to create something new, wants to attempt more challenging endeavors, wants to learn, and grow each new day. Chaitali believes living life in this note will assist in creating a better Chaitali with each sunrise.

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