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About the Artist:
Like many artists and people in creative fields Ken Moran's career as an artist has not been a linear progression. And, like many artists, Kens professional career has been a means to support his career as an artist. However, Ken has been fortunate to be able to work in places where creativity is a requirement for the job. His professional life began as an art teacher in an elementary school then, for practical reasons, he became recertified in technology education (formally known as Industrial Arts  shop class). He focused on graphic arts and wood working because he saw creative design as a large part of their foundation and a greater connection to art in general. After a few years teaching graphic arts in the shop department, he took about a fifteen-year hiatus from education, working in a variety of jobs from doing paste-ups in a greeting card company to finish carpenter. Ken returned to education and taught cabinet making for ten years, finally moving back into the art department where he has developed and implemented the current graphic design and digital photography curriculum. Ken continues to teach digital photography and graphic design.

Hall of Galilee

  • Hall of Galilee by Ken Moran reveals a scarlet hallway with water splashing through and clouds entering the ceiling. This photograph will look fabulous in any room of your home or office. Available for Purchase: A Reproduction of Purchasing a Contemporary Art Gallery Online reproduction is an easy way to revitalize a dull room, create an area of discussion, show your personality, and more. Art is appropriate and more importantly encouraged, for every room in your house? including the bathroom! Create wall collections from floor to ceiling, ascending the staircase, or choose oversize pieces to consume a wall. No longer are there right and wrongs, to hanging art. The trend today is to show your personality and you through the art you have chosen. Blank walls are out! Art always makes a difference. Great art turns a house into a magnificent home, showcasing the amazing you! Let us help you create your dream room and more importantly your dream home. Let us help you find that art that truly speaks to you!

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