Ole Shed by Ken Bennison - Visit Ken's portfolio at www.cagonline.co/ken-bennison
A Photo Hunt
This assignment can be done one of two ways. The 1st being that you look at the below list and go out with your digital camera and photograph as many of the items listed below in one image. I do not want to give you a brief definition of what all of the items in the list mean; I rather leave it up to your own definitions. What I am hoping that this will do is give you some direction. You might even go out and shoot if not hundreds thousands of images, Just to find one or two that really work. That is ok; photography sometimes is a number game. What I find out with this assignment is that the more of the items check off on the list the stronger the composition.
The other way this assignment can be done is by going online to websites that display well known photographers. Try to stick with people that have extensive list of exhibition or that are in field as a professional photographer. You can even go to the library and look at a lot of different photographic books. I would suggest the library 1st only because so many people publish online but so few are “Real Photographers”. If you can get a publishing company to publish your work, you must be doing something right. See what images you’re attracted to. See what photographers you like. Then go through the list pulling the images that you are attracted to and see how many of the items on the list you can check off.
Either way you are exercising your sight, which is really important to becoming a good photographer. I find that so many photographers start out photographing with their new camera, but have no direction. They tend to not be sure of what they want to photograph. I even had students that tell me that they live in a boring place with nothing to really photograph. I laugh because these students live in Miami FL, and they don’t see it. Please post your best findings here so that I can see them too. Make sure to tell us which items on the list you were able to check off with that image. Most of all just have
Article Submitted by: Robert Davia, Professor of Photography
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