Bridget Wiss

Bridget Wiss photographs are what catches her attention and what moves her. She believes everyone sees the world differently, through their own filter of experiences. Bridget’s photographs are how she views the world through her filter.
“I love taking pictures. I feel happiest with my camera in my hand. Photography is my passion. Only in the past few years have I really studied photography. I’m mostly self-taught. When I bought a new camera I read most of the manual. I took online classes. I read blogs and magazines and articles. I follow other photographers on social media. I eventually started taking classes with local photographers and joined a photography club. I recently attended a weekend workshop in Paris with a well-known street photographer.”
“Until the past couple of years, I never took photography seriously. I didn’t think I could do it; what could I photograph that would touch someone’s heart? I’ve come to understand it’s not that I need to shoot for other people, but I need to shoot for myself. I shoot what moves me, what touches me, and it is thrilling and scary to show that inner self to people.”