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Beryl Jazvic


Beryl Jazvic

Beryl Jazvic resides in the United States of America, with her husband Josef, her three children; Ashlynn, Josef Jr. and Aston. Beryl graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in 1991. She later completed her Master's in Teaching at Saint Mary University, Kansas.

“My art philosophy is a simple one. It's a journey that begins with self-expression, and ends with self-discovery. I travel throughout each one of my artworks, experiencing a unique connection, with each creation. The materials, what my eye captures, mixing of the paint, the sound of brush strokes against the surface, are all elements of the journey. My own personal emotions and thoughts are combined, as I travel from beginning to end. If I can explain this in any other way, it would be me, in my own world.”

“My role as an Artist, and a Teacher, is important to this world. As an Art Teacher, my responsibilities are to provide the opportunity for emotional growth, and to foster imagination and creativity. As an artist, my role is to provide individual opportunities for growth, and to foster my own imagination and creativity. I feel a need to share this awesome journey, and my unique experience, with others through my work. I want to display the world of my experiences and interpretations, and to take others with me along the way.”

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Fishing Boats
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My Hurt Eye
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Nature Girl
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The Thinker
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I'm Here
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On My Bed
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Under the Bridge
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