About the Artist: Mariana Peirano was an art major in High school, but she entered her art career much later in life. Life happened, she started a family and unconsciously moved away from being an artist and embarked in an education career that lasted more than 20 years. During those years, her art was limited to creating classroom materials for my students and my own children. In 2009 she realized she needed to get back to her true nature and be an artist again. This time she was sure she needed to move in the figurative direction. Mariana took a year off from work and enrolled in the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art. To Purchase the Original Art, please email us at cago.sales@gmail.com or call 844-210-7722. Oil Painting ;20" x 24" ;$1,800
- Fall by Mariana Peirano reveals a woman laying comfortably in the autumn leaves on the forest floor. This oil painting will look fantastic in any room of your home or office. Available for Purchase is a Reproduction of the original 1" x 1" Purchasing a Contemporary Art Gallery Online reproduction is an easy way to revitalize a dull room, create an area of discussion, show your personality, and more. Art is appropriate and more importantly encouraged, for every room in your house? including the bathroom! Create wall collections from floor to ceiling, ascending the staircase, or choose oversize pieces to consume a wall. No longer are there right and wrongs, to hanging art. The trend today is to show your personality and you through the art you have chosen. Blank walls are out! Art always makes a difference. Great art turns a house into a magnificent home, showcasing the amazing you! Let us help you create your dream room and more importantly your dream home. Let us help you find that art that truly speaks to you!