Tori Jane Ostberg

Tori Jane Ostberg picked up a camera at the age of fifteen, knowing that someday, she was going to shoot the most incredible storms on Earth with it. Up until then, Tori shot an amalgamation of subjects- people, pets, several weddings. It was earlier this year that she decided to dedicate her focus entirely to her life's passion, which is forecasting, chasing and photographing severe and extreme weather. Tori has been chasing storms since getting her driver's license: She started with monsoon storms all over Arizona and eventually expanded into the "big leagues", just as she had dreamed of as a child: chasing storms in the great plains and documenting their humbling majesty.
“Art is often equated solely with beauty. But art doesn't have to be beautiful to be art; it does, however, need to make you feel things. It is beautiful in some instances and horrifying in others. There's a fascinating dichotomy in photographing severe weather: it's frightening to its core and one is very aware that one is at the mercy of the skies- but at the same time, it's breathtakingly beautiful, and I believe that photographing it brings both emotions to the viewer. Some are awestruck by the beauty, while others recall a frightening close call with a storm in their lifetimes.”
“My philosophy is that what it makes you feel is art; it's about the awe, the fascination, and the fear. It's about showing my viewers that scary doesn't always equal ugly but can come in a package so astonishingly awe-inspiring that one may forget about the danger just to stop and watch for a while.”