Suparna Sain

Suparna Sain, is a self-taught artist originally from Chandigarh, India. Painting brings her happiness, and it is through art that she tries to capture what cannot be expressed in words. Suparna’s paintings are diverse, but mostly depict women and children. These are sometimes memories of her childhood and sometimes people and attitudes, that provoked thoughts that went beyond that very moment.
“In my painting process, I usually start with a variety of photos and spend a lot of time blending and creating new images out of them. Having had a technical background career-wise, working on a Mac with image editing tools such as Adobe comes naturally to me. I play around with colors, constantly changing photos until the final image resonates with the thoughts and feelings in my head. Once I have the image finalized, I start the painting process and am curious as to how the character I’m trying to portray will unfold into my painting.”
“Even though photo is a good starting point, I usually end up painting without referencing the photo and enjoy the flexibility this gives me. I also take multiple photos of my work during the process which I observe during various times and analyze them with different states of mind. This gives me a critical look at my work and often times I make changes until I am satisfied with the final piece. My paintings have an emotional connection and sometimes dream-like surreal characteristics, which gives viewers the opportunity to add their own interpretation to the painting and a reason to think and reflect.”
“I hope to enrich people’s lives and with my artwork and give them a chance to think and reflect.”