Kay Englehart

Kay Englehart has been a working artist for nearly 50 years. As a very young girl, her parents noticed her talent and she was enrolled in the Portland Museum School of Art through her elementary school years. In High School she was enrolled in an accelerated art course and Kay Englehart has been a working artist for nearly 50 years. As a very young girl, her parents noticed her talent and she was enrolled in the Portland Museum School of Art through her elementary school years. In High School she was enrolled in an accelerated art course and she attended Portland State University where she continued to study art. Over her adult years, raising a family and dealing with life challenges, has interrupted her art work but in 2013 Kay retired and has once again devoted her time and talents to her art she attended Portland State University where she continued to study art. Over her adult years, raising a family and dealing with life challenges, has interrupted her art work but in 2013 Kay retired and has once again devoted her time and talents to her art.